 CHEN Chumin,XIE Jiaxin,XIAN Lining,et al.Excavation and Analysis of Prescription Preparation for Sores[J].Western Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine,2021,34(09):77-81.[doi:10.12174/j.issn.2096-9600.2021.09.21]





Excavation and Analysis of Prescription Preparation for Sores
陈楚敏1, 谢佳芯1, 冼丽柠1, 曹艳红1, 眭道顺2
1.广州中医药大学第一临床医学院,广东 广州 510405
CHEN Chumin1, XIE Jiaxin1, XIAN Lining1, CAO Yanhong1, SUI Daoshun2
1.The First Clinical Medical School, Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, Guangzhou 510405, China
2.The First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine
soresTCMISSChinese pharmacopoeiaprescription preparation
目的分析治疗疮疡的成方制剂的剂型、功能主治、组方用药规律及核心组合,为临床治疗疮疡的辨证用药及成方制剂的新药研发提供参考。 方法收集《中华人民共和国卫生部药品标准·中药成方制剂》(以下简称《中药成方制剂》)《中华人民共和国药典(2015年版)》(以下简称2015年版《中国药典》)中治疗疮疡的成方制剂的名称、处方、剂型、功能与主治,录入Microsoft Excel及中医传承辅助平台(V2.5),统计用药频次;运用Apriori算法及关联规则对处方核心组合进行统计分析(支持度为10%,置信度≥0.8);采用熵聚类算法统计2~3个不同成分间的关联系数(支持度为8,惩罚度为2);根据无监督的熵层次聚类法提取内在核心组合和新方组合。 结果挖掘得出106种成方制剂及其处方,包含药物275味,使用频次较高为冰片、甘草、大黄、乳香等,药物四气五味以苦寒为主,主要归肝、心、胃、脾经,证型多为热毒炽盛证、邪毒炽盛证等,常用核心配伍包括“没药-乳香”“赤芍-大黄”等,挖掘得出新方组合“连翘-防风-赤芍-当归-白芷-木鳖子”“雄黄-牛黄-没药-乳香-血竭-穿山甲-木鳖子”等4首。 结论利用数据挖掘方法分析治疗疮疡的成方制剂组方规律,由核心药物组合成新方,可为临床辨证使用、研发治疗疮疡成方制剂及新药提供依据和参考。
ObjectiveTo provide the reference for syndrome differentiation and administration of clinical treatment of sores and new drug research and development of prescription preparations by analyzing the dosage form, functions and indications, medication laws, formulation and core combination of the prescription preparations for sores. MethodsThe name, the prescription, dosage form, functions and indications of the prescription preparations of treating sores in Drug Standard of Ministry of Public Health of the People’s Republic of China·Traditional Chinese Medicine Prescription Preparation (abbreviated as Traditional Chinese Medicine Prescription Preparation) and Pharmacopoeia of the People’s Republic of China (the edition of year 2015) (abbreviated as Chinese Pharmacopoeia, the edition of year 2015) were collected, and typed into Microsoft Excel and TCMISS (V2.5), to count medication frequency; Apriori algorithms and association rules were used to statistically analyze the core combinations in the prescription (Support was 10%, confidence≥0.8); entropy clustering algorithm was used to count correlation coefficients between 2 to 3 different components (Support was 8, punishment degree was 2); according to the unsupervised entropy hierarchical clustering method, the internal core combination and new prescription combination were extracted. ResultsAll 106 kinds of prescription preparations and the prescriptions were excavated, containing 275 drugs, the drugs of high frequency were borneol, licorice, Dahuang (rhubarb), Ruxiang (frankincense) and others, the four natures and five flavors of the drugs were mainly bitter cold, mainly entering the meridians of liver, heart, stomach and spleen, the patterns were exuberant heat toxin pattern, exuberant toxin pattern mostly and others, the common core compatibility included Moyao (myrrh) and Ruxiang, Chishao (Radix Paeoniae Rubra) and Dahuang, and others, the new prescription combinations consisted of Lianqiao (Fructus forsythiae)-Fangfeng (Divaricate Saposhnikovia Root)-Chishao -Danggui (Chinese Angelica)-Baizhi (Chinese angelica)-Mubiezi (Cochinchina Momordica Seed), “realgar-Niuhuang (bezoar)-Moyao-Ruxiang-Dragon’s blood-Chuanshanjia (Pangolin Scales)-Mubiezi” were excavated. ConclusionFormulation law of prescription preparation of treating sores are analyzed by using data mining, core drug combination could form the new prescription, which could provide the reference for the use in clinical syndrome differentiation, and research and development of prescription and new drugs for the treatment of sores and ulcers.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2021-09-15