ZHONG Jiang,LIU Yongjun,WU Zhihong,et al.CO2 Laser Cooperated with Zhuang Medicine TuLong QuYou Lotion in the Treatment for Condyloma Acuminatum[J].Western Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine,2014,27(01):119-121.
- 卷:
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- Title:
CO2 Laser Cooperated with Zhuang Medicine TuLong QuYou Lotion in the Treatment for Condyloma Acuminatum
- 文章编号:
- 作者:
1 广西中医药大学第一附属医院皮肤科,广西 南宁 530023; 2 广西中医药大学
- Author(s):
ZHONG Jiang1, LIU Yongjun2, WU Zhihong1, LI Yanyan2, LIANG Jinyu2, YUE Tiantian2, LIN Chen2△
1 Dermatology Department of the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangxi University of Chinese Medicine, Nanning 530023, China; 2 Guangxi University of Chinese Medicine
- 关键词:
尖锐湿疣; CO2激光; 壮药; 土龙祛疣洗剂
- Keywords:
condyloma acuminatum; CO2 laser; Zhuang medicine; TuLong QuYou lotion
- 分类号:
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- 摘要:
- Abstract:
Objective: To investigate therapeutic effect of CO2 laser and Zhuang medicine TuLong QuYou lotion in treating condyloma acuminatum and its recurrent rate. Methods: All 80 patients were divided into the treatment group and the control group by the method of random number table. The treatment group accepted CO2 laser gasification and TuLong QuYou lotion for local washing in the second day when the wart could be found by the naked eyes; the control group received CO2 laser gasification and 0.9% sodium chloride solution for external washing in the second day when the wart could be found by the naked eyes. Clinical effects of both groups were observed after treating for eight weeks, recurrence rate was observed after the patients were followed in three months. Results: Total effective rate of the treatment group was 87.5%, higher than 55.0% of the control group; the difference was significant in the comparison of therapeutic effect (P<0.05); total recurrence rate of the treatment group was 17.5%, lower than 45.0% of the control group (P<0.05). Conclusion: CO2 laser and Zhuang medicine TuLong QuYou lotion are effective in treating condyloma acuminatum, which could also lower recurrence rate obviously.
- 备注/Memo:
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