ZHU Weiwei,KONG Qing,PAN Yingchun.Effects of Competence Level Management Mode on Occupational Benefits, Skills and Doctor-patient Satisfaction of Nurses in Operating Room[J].Western Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine,2021,34(08):99-103.[doi:10.12174/j.issn.2096-9600.2021.08.21]
- 卷:
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- 栏目:
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- Title:
Effects of Competence Level Management Mode on Occupational Benefits, Skills and Doctor-patient Satisfaction of Nurses in Operating Room
- 作者:
朱薇薇, 孔青, 潘迎春
安徽医科大学附属安庆第一人民医院,安徽 安庆 246003
- Author(s):
ZHU Weiwei, KONG Qing, PAN Yingchun
Anqing First People′s Hospital of Anhui Medical University, Anqing 246003, China
- 关键词:
手术室护士; 能级管理; 职业获益; 职业认同; 能力; 满意度
- Keywords:
nurses in operating room; competence level management; occupational benefits; occupational identity; ability; satisfaction degree
- 分类号:
- DOI:
- 摘要:
目的探究能级管理模式对手术室护士职业获益感、技能能力及医患满意度的影响。 方法以随机抽取的开展能级管理模式后60名手术室护士为研究对象,对比开展能级管理前后手术室护士职业获益、职业认同情况、核心技能能力、岗位胜任能力、护理的满意度评分及护理质量达标情况。 结果能级管理开展6个月后,手术室护士职业获益感(正向职业感知、亲属认同、团队归属感、自身成长、护患关系及总分)、职业认同感(社会支持、社交技巧、自我反思、挫折应对、认知评价及总分)、核心能力(批判性思维/科研能力、领导能力、人际管理、临床护理、专业发展、教育与咨询、法律与伦理时间及总分)、岗位胜任能力(专业知识、专业能力、专业技术、综合素质及总分)护士满意度评分及总分较开展前明显升高(P<0.05),且护士长工作达标率、三基考核合格率、消毒隔离合格率、护理管理达标率均较开展前上升(P<0.05)。 结论将能级管理模式运用于手术室护士管理中,有助于提高护士职业获益感、认同感、核心能力及岗位胜任能力,有利于提升医患满意度及科室护理质量。
- Abstract:
ObjectiveTo explore the effects of competence level management mode on occupational benefits,skills and dotoctor-patient satisfaction of nurses in operating room. MethodsSixty nurses of operating room were randomly selected using convenient sampling method after developing competence level management mode,the occupational benefit, occupational identity, core competence, post competency, nursing satisfaction degree and nursing quallity of nurses in operating room were investigated before and after developing competence level management. ResultsAfter six months of competence level management,nurses′ occupational benefits in operating room(positive career perception,relatives identification,team belonging,self-development, relationship between nurses and patients and total score),professional identity(social support,social skills,self reflection,frustration coping,cognitive evaluation and total score),core competence(critical thinking/research ability,leadership,interpersonal management,clinical nursing, professional development,education and consultation,legal and ethical time and total score),and post competency (professional knowledge,professional ability,professional technology, comprehensive quality and total score) nurses' satisfaction score and total scores increased than these before the implementation of competence level management(P<0.05); the qualified rate of head nurses, the qualified rate of three basic examinations, the qualified rate of disinfection and isolation and the qualified rate of nursing management rose than these before the implementation(P<0.05). ConclusionCompetence level management mode applied to the management of the nurses in the operating room could help raise nurses′ occupational benefits,identification, core ability and post competency, lift doctor-patient satisfaction degree and department nursing quality.
- 备注/Memo:
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