 CAO Xue,LIU Xiaoying,GUO Tuanmao,et al.The Characteristics of TCM Syndrome of COVID-19 in Xianyang District and Its Analysis[J].Western Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine,2021,34(03):7-10.[doi:10.12174/j.issn.2096-9600.2021.03.02]





The Characteristics of TCM Syndrome of COVID-19 in Xianyang District and Its Analysis
曹雪, 刘小莹, 郭团茂, 蒲秀玲, 庞乐, 苏海生, 袁军民
咸阳市中心医院,陕西 咸阳 712000
CAO Xue, LIU Xiaoying, GUO Tuanmao, PU Xiuling, PANG Le, SU Haisheng, YUAN Junmin
Xianyang City Central Hospital, Xianyang 712000, China
COVID-19TCM syndromesyndrome differentiation and treatmentdistrict
目的通过17例新型冠状病毒肺炎(简称“新冠肺炎”)确诊患者的临床资料,分析咸阳地区新冠肺炎患者的中医证候特征,为今后临床辨证治疗新冠肺炎提供依据。 方法分析2020年1月20日至2月10日我院收住确诊的17例新冠肺炎患者的一般情况、主要症状和舌脉在初期、中期、重症期和恢复期的特征。 结果1)本地区确诊的17例患者均为湿热疫毒所致;男性居多(10例),平均年龄(39.70±11.16)岁,发病到确诊时间平均为(4.4±3.6)d,有基础疾病者占23.5%(4/17),病发前2周有湖北地区旅居史者占82.4%(14/17),与确诊患者有密切接触史者占52.9%(9/17);呈家庭聚集性发病者占47.1%(8/17);普通型居多82.4%(14/17)。2)首发发热者占76.5%(13/17);发热患者体温范围37.4~39.0℃,平均体温(38.01±0.44)℃;发热持续时间1~15天不等,平均(6.01±0.33)d。3)初期17例寒湿郁肺型排在前6位的症状是发热、咽干、咳嗽、倦怠乏力、咳痰、恶心呕吐;舌质多淡红56.3%(9/16)、苔多白腻81.3%(13/16);以濡脉为主68.8%(11/16);中期11例疫毒闭肺型排前6位症状是倦怠乏力、胸闷、咳痰、脘痞、气短及发热、喘息、纳差(后3个并列);舌质多红54.5%(6/11)、苔黄腻或黄燥63.6%(7/11);以滑数脉为主63.6%(7/11);重症期2例内闭外脱型均有神志异常、咳痰、气短、大便干症状;均表现为舌质紫暗、苔厚腻;脉浮大无根或滑数。恢复期共16例,其症状排前5位的是倦怠乏力、纳差、气短、大便异常和咽干;舌质淡62.5%(10/16)、苔白腻75.0%(12/16);脉细弱87.5%(14/16)。 结论咸阳地区新冠肺炎病性属湿热疫毒;病位在上焦肺脏,可及中焦脾胃;临床分为寒湿郁肺、疫毒闭肺、内闭外脱和脾肺气弱4型进行辨证治疗。
ObjectiveTo analyze the characteristics of TCM syndromes of COVID-19 in Xianyang district and provide the reference for clinical syndrome differentiation and treatment through analyzing clinical data of 17 cases of confirmed COVID-19. MethodsGeneral conditions, main symptoms, the characteristics of tongues and pulses at the primary, moderate, severe and the rehabilitation stages of 17 confirmed COVID-19 patients who were hospilized from January 20, 2020 to February 10, 2020 were analyzed. Results1)All 17 patients confirmed in the district were caused by damp-heat epidemic toxin; most of the patients were male (ten cases), average ages (39.70±11.16) years, average time from attacking to confirming(4.4±3.6)d, the patients with basic diseases held 23.5%(4/17), the ones who have travelled to Hubei district two weeks before the attacking occupied 82.4%(14/17), these who had close contact with the confirmed patients held 52.9% (9/17); these showed family aggregation held 47.1%(8/17); most of them were common type in clinic and they held 82.4% (14/17). 2)These who started with fever held 76.5% (13/17); the temperature of fever patients ranged between 37.4 and 39.0℃, average body temperature(38.01±0.44)℃; the duration of fever ranged from one to 15 days, average (6.01±0.33)d; 3)The symptoms ranked in the first six positions of 17 patients of cold-dampness and stagnation of lung pattern were fever, dry throat, cough, fatigue, expectoration, nausea and vomiting; tongues were of light red 56.3% (9/16), most of tongue coating were white and greasy, 81.3% (13/16); mainly soft pulse, 68.8% (11/16). The top six symptoms of 11 patients of epidemic toxin closing lung pattern were fatigue, choking sensation in chest, expectoration, gastric blockage, being short of breath, fever, panting and poor appetite; most of the tongues were red, 54.5% (6/11), tongue coating yellow and greasy or yellow and drying, 63.6%(7/11); smooth and rapid pulse, 63.6% (7/11), Two patients of unconsciousness and collapse patten manifested abnormal consciousness, expectoration, being short of breath and dry stool; they manifested purple and dark tongue, thick and greasy tongue coating; floating and rootless pulse or smooth and rapid pulse. 16 patients were at rehabilitation stage, the top five symptoms were fatigue, poor appetite, being short of breath, abnormal stool and dry throat; the tongue was light, 62.5% (10/16), white and greasy tongue coating mainly, 75.0% (12/16); thin and weak pulse, 87.5% (14/16). ConclusionThe nature of COVID-19 is of cold-dampness epidemic toxin in Xianyang district; located at lung in upper energizer, it could involve spleen and stomach in the middle energizer; it could be divided into cold-dampness and stagnation of lung pattern, epidemic toxin closing lung pattern, unconsciousness and collapse patten, Qi deficiency of spleen and lung pattern, which are differentiated and treated in clinic.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2021-03-05